The survey can be found at:

About The Class Composition Project

A ‘workers inquiry’ is a type of research project that seeks to find out what is happening in a workplace from the view of the workers, rather than the bosses. The Class Composition Project is a form of ‘workers inquiry’, but rather than focusing on just one workplace, we are trying to build up a picture of work in as many different workplaces in as many industries as possible over the course of the next year. This knowledge will help us, and workers in general, in our ongoing efforts to improve our lives, and in our struggles against exploitation.

All the questions in this form are optional, so if you’d rather not answer one you can just skip it, but the more information you give, the better picture we will be able to build up of your industry (or maybe even your workplace if some of your colleagues take part too). It should take you around 20 minutes to complete. Your answers will be treated anonymously, and we will only talk about specific workplaces in ways that protect the identities of those who took part. Please leave your contact details at the end of the form if you’d like to get more involved in the project. To read our privacy notice covering the information we are collecting, click here.


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