Jornada do empreendedor/trabalhador de si mesmo
Fabricio Barili
July 24, 2020
Featured in Workers Game Jam 2020 (#12)
Workers Game Jam 2020

Jornada do empreendedor/trabalhador de si mesmo
Fabricio Barili
July 24, 2020
Workers Game Jam 2020
Workers Game Jam 2020
This is a simulation game based on text.
You decide your destiny making decisions in your journey.
You can play the game here
Alison Soares
Alexandre Zago
Fabiane Barili
Fabricio Barili
Felipe Gue Martini
Leonardo Mello
Joel Grigolo
Rafael do Nascimento Grohmann
Eduardo Hastenteufel
Raiana Silva Rodrigues
Grupo de pesquisa Digilabour
Featured in Workers Game Jam 2020 (#12)
Fabricio Barili
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Game Workers Unite Zine
Game Workers Unite
March 30, 2018