Today Strike Map UK launches.

Building on the work of ‘Red for Key Workers’ initiative from May Day 2020, our map is an attempt to start to catalogue the action taking place and we hope will be useful to other workers.

Our map allows workers to; submit a strike they are involved or view other strikes happening across the country.

This site is a ‘worker-powered’ attempt to map the industrial action taking place in the UK and relies purely on the information supplied via our submission form. We do not claim to be an official account of all action across the country, or represent all the collective action and different tactics of disruption that people are engaged in.

Our map was inspired by

Aims of the website

  • Document and present the levels of strike action in the country
  • Enable others to see the levels of action and pass on messages of solidarity
  • Encourage other workers in their struggles

Keep up to date

Follow us on Twitter: @StrikeMapUK and like us on Facebook to stay up to date. This website is staffed by activists working full time. However, you can get in touch anytime via: [email protected]


Strike Map UK

Mapping workers taking action across the UK. Powered by workers.

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