Strikes in London, Southampton and Plymouth: Rebel Roo 9
July 12, 2018
Link Up the Strikes - Make the Fight National!

Strikes in London, Southampton and Plymouth: Rebel Roo 9
July 12, 2018
Link Up the Strikes - Make the Fight National!
This special issue of the Rebel Roo has been published in response to a new wave of strikes across the UK at Deliveroo and UberEats.
The Rebel Roo is a bulletin produced for and by Deliveroo and UberEats workers. It aims to build confidence, share tactics, and circulate struggles. This issue reports on conditions and action in London, Glasgow, Southampton and Plymouth - as well as making links to a strike by Paris couriers.
Let’s link up the strikes in London, Southampton and Plymouth and make them national! If we don’t fight, they fuck us.

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May 20, 2018